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All About Your Puppy

How to train a puppy | Puppy health tips | Easy ways to train your Puppy | Training puppy in easy ways | Puppy training tips | Puppy House Training | Pet Grooming | Puppy Diet & Nutrition


It is very important to welcome your new puppy to your family with full joy and cheers from your heart and this is the basic, first and right attitude as a pet lover.

The day you bring your new puppy into your home is a very much exciting time especially for your kids, because all the puppy breeds are so cute and beautiful at the puppy stage. They will be so playful and admire you. But that happiness may disappear when your puppy starts disturbing you, making your home a mess and different type of misbehaving.

But I will strongly say it is not the puppy’s mistake; they do not know how to behave better and at this level. It is up to the puppy’s owner to teach them how they need to behave. This blog will help provide the information that you need to make your home a peaceful and happy place for the newest member of your family.

This blog will explain you step by step and take you through the basic information’s for how to train your puppy, and what you should expect from the puppy. It will also offer you a variety of options for you to consider that will help both your puppy and you.

The important thing is you should not be lazy and never postpone or wait to train or teach your puppy how to behave. It needs to begin from the day one when you bring them to your home as your family member. I have noticed most of the pet owners are little lazy or they say “I don’t know how to train”. But the actual fact is they don’t have time to train their puppy properly in their busy day to day life. My first advice to a pet owner is never bring a puppy to your home if you don’t have time or resources to take care or spend time with them. Also please keep it in your mind that they also have emotions, happiness and sorrows and they expect happiness and affections from you till their end. If they are happy they will obey you.

If you read this blog before you bring your puppy, it will help you know what they expect and what you should expect. If your puppy is already in your home, it is not too late. The information will still be useful for both you and your puppy.


As mentioned in the Chapter – I, It is definitely an happy time for your family – having a new puppy at home and monitoring each and every  moments of  that little one. It is a fun time to remember and cherish. But still there are some important things that need to be done right before you take your puppy to his/her new home. This will make the transition to home life much easier and smoother.

One point to be noted, raising a puppy is same as raising your child.  But always you will not do the things perfectly. It is okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them. With a little help, a little guidance and a whole lot of love, you will raise a great puppy into adulthood.
Up to this point in your puppy’s life, he/she has been with his/her mother and other litter in a sterile environment. To make the transition smooth, it is advisable to make sure that your puppy’s immediate environment in your home be sterile as well.  Better to provide them a separate space and they feel like their home.

Expect the first few nights of your puppy being home to be little challenging. Your puppy may sometimes feel the pangs of loneliness and may whine as a result. He has been removed from
Familiar surroundings, so this is to be expected. There are a few things you can do to care more for your puppy and make his initial stay less challenging.

1. Make sure your puppy’s sleeping quarter is in a small crate and put some soft clothes in it. Although your puppy will grow rapidly, you do not want to get a crate that is too large. It will not be comfortable for the puppy that is adjusting to a new environment.

2. This crate should be kept near your bed in a draft free area. It is important to get attuned to his cries at this point. If he cries, take him out to a relieving area and afterwards put him back into his crate. This is not the best time to start giving him treats or offer play time. He should get right back to sleep afterwards.

3. Get your puppy a stuffed toy. The best toy to give is a stuffed Dog toy. This toy will serve as his litter mate and keep him company.

4. Never take your puppy to bed with you. This will help you avoid future disturbances and bad habits. Learn to keep him in his own crate and he will used to it.


The first week of your puppy’s home life should be quiet and ideal and you can’t expect much from them. They will be alone and sleep most of the time and look at you as a stranger. This does not mean your puppy should not be allowed to explored and meet other family members. Now is a good time to start naming them and naming is the first step of training. The name can be good and simple to use (complicated names will take time to make them understand). Now you start call or address him in that name. In the initial time you can’t expect any reaction from him when you call him with his new name. You must teach him his name, how to relieve himself in an area designated for potty purpose as well as leaning how to keep him on a leash. Learn how to supervise you puppy is very important this first few weeks. You may even talk to your puppy and they will try to understand your language and dictions and it helps a lot in the real training sessions.

You should be the center of your puppy’s world. Make this known to him early by being the one that brings him his food, take him out exercises and walks, and also be the one that teaches him to do things. The most important however is feeding. Once you have established that connection with your puppy as his care giver you have strengthened the bond between you both and help you to train them easily.

Consider buying training equipment for your puppy and don’t think that its too early for them.
A trip to the pet store can provide you with plenty of things that they say your puppy will need. You can easily spend a lot of money on things that you will never use. There are different types of handy training equipment that can be got easily from the stores to help tuning your puppy’s muscles and never go for attractive training or playing equipment which will be a total waste.
When you are dealing with your new puppy consider having training activities at least one time in a day and it will make them fresh and active.

The benefits of training equipment's are:

1. Improved body and sensory awareness
2. Increased reaction and control
3. Strengthening and increase of the trunk
4. Stabilization, especially in weak areas of the body
5. Elongation of the muscles and overall increase in the motion of the joints
6. Improved balance and perception

Potty training is very much necessary for your puppy and best ways to potty train your puppy to be attentive and pay attention to particular details.

The first step is to make sure your puppy is always within your sight. This is where having baby gates is important so as to keep your puppy from wandering around the house. If you happen to notice your puppy sniffing around or see him squat, quickly scoop him up and take him out side to relieve himself.

Also if you just finished feeding your puppy, take him outside to go potty about 10 minutes later. A thing about puppies is that they will always need to go potty after eating or drinking. So be prepared for that. This also means you should be able to control what your puppy eats and when he eats it. This gives you a greater measure of control over his potty. When you take him outside after eating, remember not use this time to play with him. Stand around and wait for him to go.

In cases when you are probably occupied or need to go to work, you need to consider crate training your puppy. This ensures the safety of your puppy or extended periods of time when you are not able to take care of him. It is equally important chose a crate that is large enough for your puppy to give him room to play. Crates should never be used as forms of punishment. Always remember to take him out to go potty before putting him in his crate. Soon your puppy will learn to hold it while he is in his crate until you are ready to take him out to go potty. When it comes to potty and crate training, consistency and repetition are the way to go. When potty training, always use the same exit door and take to him a particular spot in the backyard.
He will come to associate this spot with potty. When he becomes more independent, he will learn to go potty in this area on his own. You may also consider using potty training pads. They have lined pads that are scented to attract puppies to potty on them. Learn to leave clean potty training pad near the door you want the puppy to use as this will help alert you when he needs to go.

There are certain words you can use to help your puppy associate these words in potty. You may consider saying “ Very Good,  Good Job or  Good potty!" this way you are training him to understand what needs to be done and when. Remember to praise your puppy anytime he goes potty in the appropriate area. Dogs are pleasers they always want to please their masters. Praising your puppy will encourage him throughout the process.
I will post the detailed training sessions in my upcoming posting sessions.


Travel Crate - In addition to the crate that you use in the puppy’s bedroom, a crate that you can use when you are in a car is very useful. This will keep the puppy from being  safe whenever they are riding in the car. You would never allow your child to drive without a seat belt  Keep your puppy safe as well.

Bathtub – You can clean your puppy in your bathtub, but a separate tub may make the bathing experience easier. Your puppy will get dirty, so have the tub handy when you are ready to bathe him.

Food and water bowls – These may seem obvious, but there are plenty of choices that you will find. It is important for the puppy to quickly learn where their food and water kept and the right type of bowls will help identify this.

Child gates – These are needed to keep your puppy out of places in your home where you do not want them. The gates are the best way to train a puppy about where they are allowed.

Microchip – This device is implanted in your puppy. If the puppy is lost, they can be located using the microchip. This should be done as soon as possible when bringing a puppy home.

Grooming  – It is never too early to get your puppy used to being groomed. Brushes, toothbrushes and dog shampoo are some of the things that you will need to keep your puppy looking good.


Puppies just like human babies are growing rapidly. Their muscles, organs and bones are forever taking shape and as such they need extra nutrients in other to fuel this rapid growth. You should start your puppy on solid food by the 4th week of life. This is mainly because they are no longer able to get the calories they need from their mother’s milk alone. If you are going to feed him dry food, be sure to moisten it first until it feels spongy before giving it to him.

When it comes to selecting high quality puppy food, your veterinarian should be able to recommend something. In the first 6 months of life, the nutrient needs of your puppy are forever changing rapidly. Your best bet would be to ask your veterinarian for recommendations since he is most experienced with puppies and will likely recommend what would be most helpful for your puppy.

The type of balanced diets that will suit your puppy’s need will need to comply with the standards set Associations of the concerned countries. When purchasing your puppy foods, be sure to check the label to make sure it conforms to the standards of the concerned country nutrient guidelines.

Any food you purchase should be able to state in the labels the life stage for which the food is most suited for. If any food is labeled for “growth” or “for all stages of life”, it is probably a good choice for your puppy. It is time to access your puppy after feeding him a particular food for 6 weeks. If he is playful and energetic with a thick shiny coat, then he is probably digesting all his nutrients an there are no cause for alarm.

Puppies should be able to feed at least thrice a day until they are at least 6 months old. After 6 months, feeding him for at least twice a day is normal. Remember to make use of feeding guides on the labels of foods. Adjust the amount of food available to your puppy weekly; this will help keep him in optimal condition. Puppies need lots of calories in other to fuel their growth. It is best to evaluate you puppy’s body conditioning score to make sure he is getting the right amount of nutrients.

In some special circumstances, it is possible for large bred dogs to develop skeletal and joint problems. These conditions can be worsened by overfeeding. In other words, if your puppy is a Great Dane, Labrador retriever or even a Doberman pinscher, do not over feed him. There are puppy foods made exclusively for such large bred dogs which are usually designed to control growth. This makes such foods a little lower in calcium and phosphorus than other puppy foods but rich in fiber.

Choosing the Food is very important. There are hundreds of varieties of food that you can choose from to feed your puppy. Dry food, wet food, dry food that can be served wet are just some of the choices. You can choose a name brand dog food or you can save money by choosing a generic dog food. How are you supposed to know which is best?
Before you decide on the brand of food for your puppy, you need to decide whether you want dry food or wet food. There are pluses and minuses to both of these foods. Cost of the dry food is typically less costly than wet food. The type of food you can buy may depend on your budget.
When you buy a bag of dry food, you can put it into a container with a lid. The food will be good for several months. Wet food is not as easy to store. Once the can has been opened, it will have to be used in a fairly short time. You can store an opened can in the refrigerator to extend its life. The length of time that you can keep the food will also affect the amount of money that you spend on food.Wet food can be over ¾ water. It will pass through the dog very quickly.
This means that the puppy will not always absorb all of the nutrition that they should with wet food. Dry food takes longer for the puppy to digest. This allows them to absorb more of the nutrients in the food.


Dental Health- Dry food can help a puppy clean their teeth, Wet food can be trapped in the teeth. Some people might think that a moist food would be a good compromise for people who cannot decide between wet or dry food. Studies have shown that this type of food is higher in preservatives and salt and may not be as healthy for the puppy as the other types of food. It is best to stay with either wet food or dry food.

Another option would be to use a combination of wet and dry food. One meal of wet food followed by two meals of dry food could be the right combination for some puppies. It is a good idea to consult with your vet to find out what the best combination of food will be for your puppy.
The brand of your food is a matter of personal choice. They are similar, but you can choose a brand based on the price, the ingredients or the reputation of the manufacturer. Be aware of what is in the food and whether it contains natural ingredients or not. There have been reports in the past of food that made dogs ill. It was not manufactured properly and has been removed from the market. You need to be aware of any stories you see about contaminated food products.

Dogs love treats and puppies are no exception. Treats can be used as rewards for good behavior or they can be offered to help supplement the puppy’s health. It is important not to overdo the treats. You also do not want to use table food for treats. If a puppy gets used to eating food from the table, it is a hard habit to break.

You can choose from different types of treats. The hard treats can be used to help promote dental health. Treats can also be used to help with doggy breath. When choosing treats, follow the same guidelines you use for introducing any new type of food to the puppy’s diet.

1. Make sure that you give it enough time to evaluate how the puppy handles the treat. Stay away from the moist treats that are high in salt and preservatives

2. Do not overdo the treats. A puppy should not fill themselves up on the treats

3. Choose the treats that are appropriate for your puppy’s size

4. Keep them in a place the puppy cannot get to.. 

Tips to keeping your puppy healthy:-

So you have finally decided you have the most adorable pet in the whole world until you found his piddle right in your furniture or in the middle of your living room carpet. This is when you begin to realize it is a big responsibility owning and maintaining a dog. You need to prepare yourself fast for such eventualities and others.

There are lot of things to be shared in this blog regarding pet diseases and treatment, pregnancy and a lot of others. I will post one by one in my regular updates. If you felt the above information’s are useful to you, please post your comments and queries and I am ready to answer your all questions. Thanks for reading and keep reading my upcoming posts and its appreciated if comment it. 

Thanks for reading…….

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