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Puppy Training

How to train your puppy | Train your puppy at home | Puppy training tips | Easy ways to train your puppy | Puppy training | Teaching your puppy | Teaching basic Commands


Improving your puppy’s socialization skills

In simple terms, socialization means learning to be a part of the society. Socialization in regards to puppies means helping them become an integral part of the human society. This makes to feel comfortable with humans, environments, building, noises, sights and smell. Most times, puppies learn socialization skills all by themselves. They do not need any special training to do this. Then, again, it is also important to aid your puppy though this process.

The best time to socialize your puppy is from 3 weeks of age. After 18 weeks of age it becomes increasingly difficult for them to accept new experiences and may likely be wary of people and events. Socialization for puppies is very important because it teaches them social skills that will make them become much more enjoyable and relaxed. It reduces the possibility of aggression in your puppy. The wider the variety of experiences, your puppy is exposed to, the better his chances of relating well to these conditions.

The ways to social your puppy is to take him places, events, see sights, let him experience sounds such that you would be comfortable with him in these conditions. It all depends on the type of lifestyle you planned for you puppy. Basically take him out and let him perceive sight and sound of trains, garbage trucks, and school yards of screaming children, crowds, cats, livestock or crying infants. Always learn to monitor your puppy during the socialization experiences. If you see your puppy cowering at his own party, it means he has not learned anything good about strangers. Ensures he has the right amount of exposure and praise him for his efforts. Give him a special treat when he does something good with people. You may also consider enrolling your puppy in puppy classes where he will be taught basic socialization skills. Consider this to be a puppy kindergarten class.

Teaching Your Puppy

There are many things that your puppy will have to learn. It is important to remember that it is a puppy and will not immediately behave in the manner that you want. As you try to teach your puppy’s basic discipline and how to interact with other, the teaching techniques that you use are very important. If you use the wrong techniques, your puppy will not understand what behavior you expect from him. When you use the right techniques, the puppy will quickly learn what is right and what is wrong.

A Rolled up Newspaper

This technique has been used many times. When a puppy does the wrong thing, they are hit on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. It is no different that spanking a child who has misbehaved. It is not the best way to teach a child and it is not the best way to teach your puppy. Hitting with a newspaper is a destructive way to teach a puppy. It is much better to use constructive techniques that reward the puppy when they behave properly.

Another training technique is to rub the dog in the mess they make in the home. This is another technique that does not work. Any type of destructive technique to train your puppy needs to be avoided.

Use Positive Reinforcement

When you are training the puppy, make sure they are rewarded when they do the right things. If they use the bathroom outside instead of inside the hose, let them know that they did a good job. The type of positive reinforcement can vary. You can use treats to reward good behavior. You can also tell them they are a good puppy and pat them on the head. Either way the puppy will try to repeat the behavior to get the reward again.

Another key to training a puppy is patience. Even though you are training them in the right way, they will still do things that are considered to be bad behavior. You can let the puppy know they have done wrong. One punishment can be time spent in their crate, but you need to be careful about this. You want the crate to be a place they are happy to be in and they might get confused when it is used for punishment.

While it is important to be patient when training a puppy to behave properly, it is also important to scold the puppy or reward the puppy for their behavior when it happens. Make sure that the puppy knows immediately if they have done something right or wrong.

Basic commands

Much of your time spent teaching a puppy tricks will be involved on basic behaviors. Howling, chewing, and barking are all important tricks that your puppy needs to learn. But what about the other tricks that many dog owners like to see their puppy do? Can you teach a puppy some basic commands at an early age?

The answer is that you can teach young dogs new tricks. They may not always learn them easily, but with patience and persistence, a puppy can learn a few simple tricks to show everyone.

1. Roll over – When teaching this trick, choose a soft surface such as grass or carpet. The puppy first needs to be taught to lie down. Speak in a firm, but not an aggressive voice when issuing the command. Once the dog is lying down, use a treat and a gentle motion with your hand to get them to roll over. Keep repeating the process with the command to roll over until the puppy is doing it on their own.

2. Shake Paw – This is an easy command for puppies to learn. Try putting your hand in front of the dog as you say the command. If the dog does not put the paw in your hand, gently lift the paw and shake it up and down. Reward the dog for the behavior. Keep repeating the command and picking up the paw until the puppy does it without your help.

3. Jumping through a hoop – This trick is a little harder, but the principles are the same.
Make sure you have enough room for the puppy to do this. Offer them a treat if they go through the hoop. You can start out with the hoop on the ground and getting the puppy to walk through. Gradually raise the height of the hoop until the puppy is jumping through it.

Not all puppies will be able to learn these tricks at a young age. It is something that requires time and patience. Eventually a puppy will start to perform the tricks that you want to see. The key for the teacher is to be consistent. You have to be willing to devote the time that is needed on a regular basis. This is the best way to reinforce the behavior that you want. If more than one person is working with the puppy, make sure you are all doing it in the same way. That consistency is important to the puppy.

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